Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Brit of alright..

Yesterday, my first ever comment on my my first ever blog post came from Emily. Emily went and wrote,

"Hi Adam!!
Really loved your first post! It sums up about everything that goes on my mind about pop music and why I can't get tired of it, no matter how many years go by...
My suggestion for your next post: Baby one more time, by Britney Spears!!" 

Thank you Emily, and to all that took time out to read the blog, I'm brand spankin' new to this so it's well good to have readers already, innit.

I decided to go with Emily's idea and do a post on, the princess of pop, Britney Spears. Surely she's next in line to the Queen of Pop throne once Madonna has popped her clogs or at least stepped down, right?

Although Emily's suggestion was great, I feel 'Baby, One More Time' is nearly too obvious of a song to post on this blog. Yes, I agree it's a classic. And, as Britney's debut, will probably go down in history as her best work. But there's so much more in Britney's back catalogue that people have probably, unjustly, forgotten about.

In my opinion, Britney's 2003 album, 'In The Zone' is by far her greatest accomplishment. Hits like 'Toxic', 'Every Time' and the duet with the aforementioned Queen of Pop herself, Madonna, 'Me Against The Music' show a much more grown-up side to the poptart.
'In The Zone' was one of her first steps away from the squeaky clean image she had created for herself with her two albums; which had cheesy, yet respectable, tunes like 'Lucky' and 'Sometimes'. In my opinion, this was a definitely a step in the right direction.

Since then, she's been married twice, had two kids, shaved her head and, by the looks of certain sleazy paparazzi shots of her emerging from limousines, shaved other places too. But all that is irrelevant to me as long as she keeps making properly amazing pop music. And, if rumours are to be believed, Britney's seventh studio album should be with us within the next six months.

The Britney song I've decided to post is not her most well-known, but I think it epitomizes exactly what pop music should be. Fun.
Plus, she doesn't look too shabby in the video either.. :P
It's the second single released from her 2004 Greatest Hits.... 'Do Somethin''

Question of the Day: What's your favourite Britney song, and why?
Comment below.

Now, as it's a Saturday morning I advise you all to get up out of your houses, take Britney's advice and, wait for it, DO SOMETHIN'!*

*I'm genuinely sorry for that 'joke'. Will try harder next time.


  1. Autumn goodbye - coz its just pure cheese and reminds me of being young and seeing her live in concert for the very first time ")

  2. You're right, 'Baby, One More Time' is so predictable but it launched Britney into unfathomable international stardom. It's uncomplicated pop at its finest and it's so much fun to sing will playing Singstar.

  3. I love "My Prerogative" and "Amnesia". Songs from Britney that I will never get tired of :) I missed her last UK tour. I still wanna go despite all the negative comments on her lip-sync etcetcetc.

    plus she's so pretty! in a world where you can't tell whether a celebrity has a plastic nose or silicon boobies, it's pleasing to see that Britney still has the same face she had when we first knew her :D

  4. to be honest, my favourite Britney song is the ultimate classic that is Hit Me Baby One More Time!
    my Dad had a tape (back in the day =D) with that song on along with another favourite of mine, Autumn Goodbye.
    we used to play that tape constantly.
    they just remind me of the good old days, y'know?

    by the way, great post.
    keep it up! xx

  5. "Cinderella" is my favorite Britney song. It's an album track, but it's a good one.

  6. Hi Adam!!
    It's me, Emily again! Just here to justify why Baby one more time is one of my all time favorites...
    Actually, it's just guts, you know... The song talks to me, not just the lyrics, but the combination of tempo and beat and that time in history when I was starting to define me as a person! It may sound girly, but Brit was the firt female artist ever to reach me - I was somewhere around 12 and couldn't find anything to relate to, like just wanting to sing a song out of nowhere... It happened to me when I first listened to that song!
    Okay... that's lame... and too much for a comment...
    Well done for the blog, and please keep on posting!

  7. In the name of research for this comment I broke out the iPod, threw it into Britney shuffle and danced round the house like a loon and measured my response on which song made me dance the most!

    The result... I dont have a favourite song, I have a favourite "era". Now I admit, Britneys first 3 albums, "Baby One More Time" "Oops...I Did It Again" and "Britney" were all fantastic pop records in their own right, but "In The Zone" is where I think Britney started to find her path. She'd gone from being a girl, to a woman (see what I did there?) In with more gritty, dancier music came the sexy Britney. I Got That Boom Boom was an indication of the music that was to come...

    and so, onto my personal favourite Britney Era... Blackout. This album for me personifies Britney, it may not be her most successful, some fans may not like it because it loses the pure pop sound - but I personally LOVED IT. From the first "Its Britney BITCH!" of Gimme More to the dissing of K-Fed in "Why Should I Be Sad" this album delivers. "Freakshow" and "Get Naked" are stand out tracks....This is the album that made me dance like no one was watching (I hope no one was watching)

    I love Britney - one of, if not THE ultimate popstar. (yes, I sound like the dude from Youtube don't I? LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!)
